0413 006 836
14 Kandinsky Approach Tapping Perth Western Australia 6065
The Outlast® thermo-technology usually utilizes the user’s body heat. This heat liquefies the microencapsulated wax, thereby preventing a further increase in temperature, as the thermal energy is used in the process of changing the wax’s physical state. Thus, the temperature regulating fabric is able to significantly reduce the user’s heat peak, resulting in improved comfort and the reduction of sweat formation by up to 48%.
Nikki G's is proud to have been awarded an Official Trademark Licence with Outlast® Technologies LLC.
Our temperature regulating fabric was originally developed by NASA and used in space gloves, offering the astronauts protection from the extreme temperature fluctuations in space. Outlast® Technologies LLC have successfully adapted and improved the original technology and made it accessible for use in other areas including bedding.
If you have any questions or you would like a Quote/Invoice, please
email or call 0413006836